Thursday, May 20, 2010

Peer Pressure and Poor Teenage Influences

Regardless of the environment or area individuals are raised in, everyone deals with the frustrations of peer pressure at some point in their life. Evidently, peer pressure occurs most commonly in the adolescent years. It becomes a society norm to adapt to the daily influences received from friends, family or affectionate partners. These ‘influences’ often lead to teenagers making poor decisions and results in a drastic change of self character.

Peer pressure often affects the individuals that portray the personality traits of lacking confidence and maturity. The feel they must adapt to the pressures of others in order to be accepted. The use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco are often the most common forms of pressure in teenagers lives. As a result, teenagers are drinking and smoking illegally, detrimentally, affecting and putting their health at risk. Smoking is a dangerous habit for individuals to begin. However, you often see young adolescents attempting to fit in with the "cool" crowd by impressing them with their new habit. Teenagers often don't understand the concept of free will. They have the ability to speak up and say "NO!"

Not only are teens pressured into illegal substances, but many individuals feel they are forced into decisions based on other's sexual desires. Most commonly, girls are often pressured into having sexual relations with the male gender. Many teenage girls feel the need to follow through with their partner's desires in fear of losing them. This casts a poor light on themselves, as well as women as a whole, which allows men to feel dominant. Rushing into sexual reproduction too quickly can have many emotional long term affects on an individuals life. Teenager's have the whole rest of their lives ahead of them, and need to understand the ability to move at their own comfortable pace.

It is evident that the pressure's teenagers receive are often from their peers. However, many teenagers cope and adapt to the pressures portrayed by their family and parents. Teens constantly feel they are being pushed to achieve higher. Many parents are strict about their child's academic performance, group of friends and athletics. It is difficult for adolescents to deal with the stress level that is created due to the environment they are in. It is important to remember, live your life the way you want to, don't give into the pressures of society.
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